Codepunk 060 Experiments in AltSpaceVR

by Bill Ahern on

Join us as we take the podcast into virtual reality. In this episode, we begin our experiments recording inside of virtual reality (VR) using the Oculus...

Is the City Dead?

by Michael Szul on

As expected, the number of think-pieces on the end of cities (or the mega city in particular) have increased exponentially. Prior to the pandemic, all trend lines pointed to the continued migration to cities...

Why I Love Lightning Talks

by Michael Szul on

Lightning talks are often misunderstood and handled poorly by conference organizers. They are seen as a consolation prize.

Are We in a VR Winter?

by Michael Szul on

It wasn't that long ago that people believed Virtual Reality and VR headsets were dead in the water. The popularity of the Oculus—and the emergence of the Oculus Quest as a wireless—option seems to have quelled that talking point...

Solving Remote Work Issues with Documentation

by Michael Szul on

The long-term resolution to this remote work stressor lies in appropriate documentation. We've talked about this before, and even went into details with...

Codepunk 059 Jerold Haas

by Bill Ahern on

In this episode of Codepunk, we take a look at this trend of "genius" programmers through the story of Jerold Haas—a programmer on his way to...

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